These times are becoming interesting. I just hope it’s not related to the old Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times”.
The “Occupy Wall Street” phenomenon is interesting, possibly too interesting.
While I can relate to some of the things some of the protesters have problems with, I have to disagree with the tactics being used.
I do have an issue with one particular corporation with regard to its labor and pricing polices versus the image it wants to project. I do not, however, have any issues with capitalism, not in any way.
I see bad things happening with the “Occupy Anything” events. In fact bad things have already occurred and I don’t see the situation in some locations getting better any time soon.
It is one thing to demonstrate to voice one’s protests, it is completely another thing to violate common decency, break laws, endanger public health, damage public/private property, and obstruct access to public/private facilities.
I have a huge problem with local governments that aid and abet those who break the law and behave badly. Yes, right here in Connecticut, not just California.
The problem with the movement, as I see it, is that anarchist and freeloading type people have infiltrated the “movement”. In some cases, it seems like they have either sized or heavily influenced the “movement’s” leadership.
While I sincerely hope otherwise, I can see the scenes we have seen in Greece being repeated here. If cooler heads do not prevail in the “movement” soon, someone is going to die.