There are two types of Muslims in the world. One type follows the Koran as peaceful
adherents; the other perverts their religion into an intolerant, hate filled
fanatical obsession. I have no idea
what the respective percentages are amongst the between 1.5 and 2.5 billion
Muslims on the planet. Whatever those
percentages might be, there are many fanatics.
Is the motivating factor (read excuse) for the fanatics the
movie or the eleven-year anniversary of 11 September 2011disaster? Are the actions of the fanatics spontaneous,
planned, or both?
Note that we made a fuss over the anniversary, a First
Amendment option, and that also may have spurred the radicals to action.
As of this morning, twelve US embassies and/or consulates
are under assault and there are four dead Americans, one dead Yemeni, and
another fatality in Lebanon. American
businesses are under attack in at least one country.
The German and British embassies in the Sudan are under
attack The Swiss embassy in Iran under
The trouble spots are Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya,
Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen.
The Department of Defense, in coordination with the State
Department, is sending Marine security teams in varying strengths to selected
embassies. On the surface that sounds
like a good idea but there are considerations that are not readily
The primary responsibility for embassy security falls on the
host nation. Any American security
forces present are there only to “hold the fort” until the host nation removes
the threat. A prolonged defense by any
embassy security force is not possible.
A fifty or a hundred person security force will not have the assets
necessary to repel a lengthy, well-planned, and adequately resourced
siege. Outside relief is required.
In a completely hostile environment, assignment to an
embassy is a death sentence.
About one hundred people in California, who produced the
offending movie, are in danger of assignation by radical Islamic people be they
organized or “lone wolfs”. The
mainstream media has identified many of these people. They are in danger.
What do we do now?
We could withdraw all personnel from all Middle East
embassies but the fanatics would tout that as a victory over the “Great
Satan”. We could also recall all the
government and non-government people that conduct humanitarian, educational,
and charitable operations.
We could terminate all foreign aid to the troubling nations
but that would undermine whatever good that funding might do and, again, the
fanatics would tout that as a victory over the “Great Satan”.
We could bomb the troublemakers into the Stone Age except we
do not have the resources for that.
We could repeal the First Amendment and persecute those
uttering “offensive” words.
We could apologize some more.
We could do nothing.
The Islamic radicals have declared war on the United States
in particular and western civilization in general. Even if our current national leadership
refuses to acknowledge it, these are dangerous times and they are not going to
get better in the foreseeable future.
Ramifications, economic, political, and violent, are inevitable.