I am up in the middle of the night because Connecticut has me worried again. The proposed law (SB1094) under consideration by the Judiciary Committee is of major concern to me. (see the March 2nd entry below)
Felons can not own firearms. (Chapter 952, Sec. 53a-217, Criminal possession of a firearm, Class D felony, minimum 2 year sentence)
Under SB 1094 possession of a magazine capable of more than 10 rounds would be a felony punishable by up 5 years imprisonment and a $5,000 fine.
All firearm purchases are registered with the state. If one owns a magazine fed gun the state knows it. That establishes probable cause sufficient to raid homes to seize the magazines AND since one is then automatically a felon, the state will seize ALL weapons.
The passage of SB1094 would subject ALL LEGAL gun owners to violent search and seizure whether or not in possession of 10 round magazines. Not only would the owners housing be damaged but all firearms and related materials would be confiscated and the owner automatically convicted under SB1094 and Sec 53a-217. Those convictions could bring seven years imprisonment and at least $5,000 in fines.
It is laws like SB1094 that get people killed like those in Egypt , Libya , etc. Laws like this will not stop a terrorist or an unstable person from engaging in a killing rampage.
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