Friday, January 4, 2013

Senator Murphy’s Oath of Office

Senator Murphy took the following oath of office

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

The one TV appearance of Murphy’s that I remember is the one where he was practically screaming that his primary goal was to thwart Republicans by any means. 

He has taken the following positions.

            He supports closing the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.  He offers no viable alternative; I suppose he would just release the detainees.

            Murphy has pledged to support filibuster reform in the Senate, which would change a passing requirement of 60 votes to a simple majority.  This indicates two things.  One is a desire to suppress the First Amendment and two, a desire to see the democrat party have dictatorial control of the Senate by eliminating minority opinion.

            He is a proponent of the health care public option, which entails the creation of an independent, government-sponsored health insurance plan to compete with private companies.  This means he supports socialized medicine ala Canada and England along with rationed health care and denial of care to advanced age senior citizens.

            He is pro-abortion.  Pro-choice would understandable but pro-abortion could lead to incremental implantation of government controlled selective reproduction.

            His position on gay rights “Marriage equality and nondiscrimination in the military, workplace, classroom and healthcare system, based on real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity, are civil rights that must be protected under law.”  This would seem to indicate a proclivity toward the destruction of the traditional family.

            Strongly opposes the Second Amendment.  Taken together with his apparent stance on the First Amendment (see above) this seems to indicate a desire to eliminate the Constitution altogether and try something different like socialism or maybe even communism.

            He voted for every economic stimulus package.  This indicates that he has no knowledge of basic financial concepts.  This is evidenced by his personal financial woes.  and

Murphy said he has spent his career in the Legislature and in Congress supporting "sensible gun control legislation."

“Sensible gun control” means repealing the Second Amendment. 

In short, Murphy made a false oath when sworn into the Senate.  He obviously has no intent of supporting or defending the Constitution. 

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